University Hills Baptist Church is committed to worship that is biblical, theological, and rooted in contemporary and historical expressions of worship. The triune God initiates every encounter with His people, making Himself knowable and giving His people the capacity to know Him. We encourage you to find your place in the corporate gathering of worshipers each Sunday. Please see below for a list of all the different ways you can get involved in the worship and music ministries at University Hills!

Adult Worship Choir
Practice is on Wednesdays at 7:15pm in the Choir Room
The Adult Worship Choir leads in worship each Sunday morning as well as seasonal worship events throughout the year. Come join us now as we prepare to lead the congregation in Christ-centered worship each Sunday.

Senior Adult Choir
Practice is on Wednesdays at 4:00pm in the Choir Room
If you are 65 or older, and have a heart for leading others in worship to the Lord, we want to serve with you! We sing on certain Sundays throughout the year and during seasonal worship events as well. Our Senior Adult Choir is led by Michael Colson.

Student Worship Choir
Practice is on Sundays at 4:30pm in the Choir Room
If you are a student in 6th-12th grade, come sing and worship with us on Sunday afternoons. In addition to joining the adult choir on some Sunday mornings, we serve different communities for a week over the summer during Mission Tour.

Children's Worship Choir
Practice is on Sundays at 4:30pm in room 201
Children in grades 1-5 are encouraged to praise and worship the Lord! Join us for lots of fun and singing! The children work hard all year long for two special musicals they perform during the Easter and Christmas seasons.

Adult Handbells for Worship
Practice is on Wednesdays at 6:25pm in room 304
We participate in worship services and bell festivals throughout the year.

Student Handbells for Worship
Practice is on Sundays at 3:15pm in room 304
We participate in worship services and bell festivals throughout the year.
Orchestra for Worship
Practice is on Sundays at 8:30am in the Worship Center.
Ministry opportunities exist in all parts.

Songs for Worship at
University Hills

Media for Worship
Our media team provides technical assistance for all worship services in addition to church-wide ministry events, including audio, lighting, and video support.