The Neighborhood Outreach Field is where we seek to connect with people who live in the community around the church building.
ENTER the Neighborhood Outreach Field with us:
- Bless Robinsdale: We want to find ways that we can come alongside the residents of Robinsdale in practical ways with things like food, furniture, car repairs, etc. The hope is to be a blessing, partner with the community to bless one another, and to build relationships.
- Bless Afghan Refugees: Since August of 2021 refugees have been coming to the US from Afghanistan. This is a key time to help the refugees get settled in the community. There are practical things like helping learn the culture, get set up with assistance programs, give rides, give friendship, etc.
- Disciple-Making Group: This group seeks to build relationships in the community by prayer walking, serving neighbors, and doing spiritual questionnaires. This group learns tools that they can use to ”enter, share, disciple, gather, and send” right here in the community and that can be multiplied in other mission fields.
- CMPD Outreach: Mike Roberts‘ Connect Group partners with other Connect Groups to find ways to bless the University City Division of the CMPD on a regular basis. They are building relationships with officers and have become a consistent source of encouragement and support.