Sundays at 10:30am | 1500 Suther Rd, Charlotte NC 28213
The Student Outreach mission field is where we seek to connect with middle/high school, students, faculty, parents, and families in our area.
ENTER the Student Outreach Field with us
  • Student Ministry Team: When you volunteer for Student Connect Groups, Ignite, FUGE, Dnow, and other student events you are connecting with students and families who may not know Jesus yet!
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): A ministry striving to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.  We do this by leading coaches and athletes in a growing relationship with Christ and His church.  FCA is open to all (athletes or non-athletes) and has resources for people of all stages of life and different places in their faith journey (new believers, growing, mature). 
  • Cougar Captains at Chambers High School: Join men from the community to be a positive and encouraging presence in the mornings at Chambers High. 
  • You can volunteer at  middle and high schools to help in a number of ways and build relationships: sign up HERE.
Help Others ENTER the Student Outreach Field: 
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): Regular offerings to UHBC support FCA because we budget annually for this ministry.
  • YoungLife: We provide office space for the YoungLife ministry for our area. This ministry intentionally reaches students with the Gospel that are not plugged into churches yet.

How would you like to get involved?