Sundays at 10:30am | 1500 Suther Rd, Charlotte NC 28213

Missions Involvement at UHBC

The Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).  There are many ways to be involved in missions in our community, the nation, and the world.  We at UHBC support ministries and efforts that aim to share the message of the Gospel and make disciples as relationships are built and those in need are helped.  Here at UHBC we give generously and intentionally.  As you will see, we provide opportunities to serve in a wide range of areas.  It is our hope that the following list will serve as a tool for helping our members and interested attendees to better understand some of the ways in which God has led this body to give...and ways you might personally get involved.  We’re excited for you to join us in these efforts and to help us discover more ways we can live together on mission.  

In the below chart opportunities in red are areas where direct hands-on involvement is possible.  There are currently a couple of areas where UHBC is involved only through financial support.

Discover more about each of these ministries below: 

Local Ministries

Bill's Backpack Blessings

Led by a team at UHBC and provides food on the weekends for Grier and Newell Elementary School children who might otherwise go hungry.  In addition to delivering food weekly, each year the team sponsors a couple of church-wide mass packing events to prep food for the upcoming school semester. 

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

A ministry striving to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.  We do this by leading coaches and athletes in a growing relationship with Christ and His church.  FCA is open to all (athletes or non-athletes) and has resources for people of all stages of life and different places in their faith journey (new believers, growing, mature). 


A Christ-centered ministry committed to upholding the sanctity of human life and promoting sexual purity.  UHBC has partnered with GATE PRC both financially and by collecting needed resources.

Love Life

A ministry with the goal of creating a culture of love and life where people stop running to abortion centers and start running to the local church.  UHBC has partnered with Love Life by being involved in prayer walks at rallies and prayer walks at local abortion centers.

Thanksgiving Food Bags

Thanksgiving food bags are collected annually.  The majority of these go to students and their families at Newell and Grier elementary, but they also make their way to other homes in need throughout the area.

Loaves and Fishes

An organization that provides nutritionally balanced groceries to individuals and families in Charlotte-Mecklenburg who are in a short-term crisis.  In addition, starting in 2021, they also provide groceries, meals and hope through a network of food pantries and home grocery and meal deliveries as the primary Meals on Wheels program for Mecklenburg Co.

New Hope Clothes Closet

A ministry of New Hope Baptist Church known as Hope 4 Families.  The clothes closet provides free clothing, shoes, and accessories donated by local businesses as well as personal contributions.  In addition to funding, UHBC has partnered with New Hope Clothes Closet by providing volunteers to personally assist clients meet their clothing needs.

School Supplies and Christmas Gift Backpacks 

A ministry of UHBC to underprivileged children at Newell and Grier elementary schools (many of the same students who are helped by Bill’s Backpack Blessings).  At Christmas each year UHBC members and attendees stuff backpacks with Christmas gifts and school supplies.

Leah's Hopes and Dreams

A ministry to Charlotte’s homeless communities with vital resources enabling them to not only survive, but to thrive.  UHBC has partnered with Leah’s Hopes and Dreams by providing food, clothing, toiletry items, and manpower for their many efforts.


The focus of several Connect Groups that have committed to connect with, minister to, encourage, and pray for the University Division of CMPD.  These efforts are being coordinated through Mike Robert’s class.

State/Regional Ministries

Appalachian Christmas Outreach

A statewide Baptists on Mission effort that led to the collection of 18,780 backpacks in 2021!  The statewide goal for 2022 is 19,000 backpacks.  Backpacks include warm clothing, canned food, toy(s), hygiene items, candy, and a Bible.  UHBC holds a backpack drive each fall.

Disaster Relief

A Baptists on Mission effort providing training and leadership for disaster relief in NC, nationally, and internationally.  The goal is to provide physical and spiritual assistance to help people recover from disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding.  Individuals and groups from UHBC have traveled to various hurricane and other disaster relief sites to do tear-out and rebuild work in addition to witnessing and providing moral and emotional support.

International Ministries

International Student Ministry (UNCC)

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Higher Hope

A ministry to help share Christ, His saving grace, and resources with the people of Haiti.  UHBC has partnered with Higher Hope both financially and by sending teams to help with special projects.


An aviation ministry of Africa Inland Mission (AIM) that provides critical air-travel support to keep missionaries safer and serving longer in Africa.  UHBC’s connection to AIM Air is personal as one of their mechanics has relatives in our church.

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