Renew Opportunities
This Easter... Experience renewal in your walk with Jesus, your relationships with your church family, and your commitment to the Great Commission!
April 9 at 10:00am: Kids Color Run
This fun event will open the door for kids to renew their friendships with each other and grow in their relationship with Jesus!
Watch the church staff compete in the Color Run HERE
Watch the church staff compete in the Color Run HERE
April 10 at 10:30am: Choir-Led Worship
Join us on Palm Sunday as the Choir leads our gathering to renew our worship and adoration of King Jesus. We'll celebrate the Lord's Supper and participate in worship through singing and the word.
April 17 at 10:30am: Easter Worship
With hearts overflowing with renewed love for Jesus, we'll dive into Colossians 3:1-17 to see how the resurrection of Jesus gives renewal to our relationships with Him and each other, and our commitment to the Great Commission!
April 24 at 9:15am: Renew Gathering
We'll meet in the Fellowship Hall for a light breakfast and a time discussing steps we can take to renew our walks with Jesus, our relationships within the church, and our commitment to the Great Commission!